“I attended one of Helen’s online Ofsted / SEND courses last Thursday and it was absolutely excellent! I have recommended her to another colleague who has just started as a SENDCo.”


“I attended the ‘how to achieve outstanding behaviour’ course at the Hyatt in Manchester today (4/10/23). I wanted to feed back that I found it very useful and it will impact on the work I do in school as a follow on. It helped to organise my super busy mind. Helen was knowledgeable and approachable,  so thank you.”

E. LeesHeadteacher - Manchester

“I wanted to express our sincere appreciation for the wonderful online training you provided to our school last year. Your insights and expertise greatly benefited our team, and we continue to implement the valuable strategies and techniques you shared.”

A. SimpsonHeadteacher - West Sussex
“Thank you for today – your training was fantastic and the feedback from the staff has been amazing! The course was engaging, gave clarity and information that will definitely improve outcomes for our children. 
Thank you so much – I am a real fan of all your work and find it extremely useful in my role as Headteacher!”
Martine SHeadteacher - Basingstoke

“Your personal story was an inspirational one and the course itself a real rallying-cry for school leaders – I think the training should be statutory!”

O. TuckHeadteacher - Gloucestershire

“Superb as alway Helen, very comprehensive training and the deep dive toolkits are brilliant!”

D. FieldsHeadteacher - London

“If you want to know exactly what a deep dive in Geography is like you need to complete this training. It covers every aspect of the geography deep dive and the documentation I completed from the toolkit was complimented by the inspector.”

G. BattersGeography Lead - South West

“Thank you Helen for the amazing training and deep dive pack. I had no idea of the detail that is required during a reading and phonics deep dive. I feel completely prepared and during a recent mock deep dive, reading and my leadership were highlighted as outstanding. There is no way that would have happened without your training and pack which quite literally walked me through the deep dive step by step.”

L. AdamsLiteracy Lead - London

“If I had not received the training and toolkit I would have floundered during the deep dive. Superb training and resource which made the whole process manageable and easy to understand. The inspectors were really impressed with my documentation, which was all from the toolkit.”

V. ThornFrench Subject Leader - North East

“My Head booked me onto the art training and purchased the toolkit, because art was the subject he was going to put forward for deep dive. The training is really fun and engaging, whilst being incredibly useful and giving a thorough and accurate representation of what the deep dive would look like. The toolkit backs up the training and with crystal clear instructions I was very well prepared for the deep dive.”

P. DickinsonArt Teacher - West Sussex