Headteachers Appraisal Package

£1,200.00 ex VAT



Maintained schools are required to appoint an external adviser for guidance, support and consultation on establishing headteacher appraisal objectives.

Helen is an accomplished education professional having been a successful headteacher for 16 years and with extensive experience of working with governing bodies and headteachers.

After meeting with the headteacher and the panel, Helen will help formulate clear objectives that are appropriate to your school’s context, your headteacher’s level of experience and meet the requisite criteria of Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic & Time-Bound.

As a supportive and developmental statutory process, your Helen Youngman headteacher’s appraisal process will underpin and support your school’s ambition for continuous improvement.

Helen’s appraisal support will:

  • Guide and advise – throughout the process for the headteacher and panel
  • Be Professional and Impartial – as I challenge, support and questions
  • Analyse Evidence – monitor progress against objectives providing advice and practical high impact school improvement strategies
  • Meet with the HT and Appraisal Panel once per long term
  • Expertly Analyse Data Information – ensure the HT and panel have a clear understanding of how school is performing
  • Support the Panel – to interpret the information and data
  • Skilled and Experienced – proven record of school improvement and understanding of the stresses and pressures of the headteacher
  • Retain Confidentiality – understanding the importance of maintaining confidentiality at all times



Cost £1200 + VAT and travelling expenses

(If headteachers book the package in the same LA or Trust travelling expenses will be shared)


Helen also provides training for schools. If you would like to add on twilight session of training per appraisal meeting (x3 twilights) this would cost £2000 (an additional £800 for 3 1.5 hour training sessions)



Headteacher Appraisal – Testimonial


I had been a headteacher for 14 years when Helen became my performance management appraiser. I am also a serving Ofsted inspector, so thought I had seen and heard it all. I was a bit weary of the process after so many years in the job. Helen’s passion inspired me to continue to move forward and reinvigorated me to make some difficult decisions in the best interests of the children. She made me look at things from a different perspective and asked many challenging questions, some of which were uncomfortable, but made me realise how complacent I had become with underperforming staff. I highly recommend Helen as your HT appraiser; she is brilliant! We laughed, discussed, challenged and shed a few tears but I can honestly say my leadership moved forward in a way I never thought possible.