Managing Challenging Behaviour and How to Prevent it for Teachers and TA’s – Live Training

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You don’t get to decide or choose to have challenging children in your classrooms, but you can decide and manage your mindset, approach and how to prevent situations escalating unnecessarily.

Managing and responding to challenging behaviour can be emotionally and physically exhausting, frustrating and upsetting for practitioners and for pupils.

This course will enable you to reflect on your approach to behaviour management and understand how factors such as trauma, relationships and belonging can affect children’s behaviour. Full of practical ideas and strategies, this course is designed to give you tools and strategies to feel more confident in establishing positive classroom behaviour systems and respond proactively to challenging behaviours to remove some of the fear of these situations.

The training will include:

  • Considering protective factors to support a positive classroom climate for staff and children
  • Developing an understanding of trauma, signs of trauma behaviours, and how to respond in a calm and nurturing manner.
  • The difference engaging learning can make to behaviour in your classroom
  • Exploring behaviour for learning, and classroom management techniques
  • Providing you with strategies to de-escalate and manage challenging behaviour situations
  • Packed full of practical tips and strategies to ensure you and your class are able to work in an environment conducive to learning

Additional information

Course time

9:00am – 12:30pm