Contents: Mandarin Deep Dive Toolkit
- Subject Policy– up to date for current curriculum and learning research in secondary Mandarin.
- Subject Effectiveness Report to Governors– a simple but comprehensive report for Mandarin subject leaders to complete for reporting to governors, or accountability purposes.
- Monitoring Templates– work sampling, planning monitoring, pupil voice and lesson observation templates containing key concepts subject leaders should be monitoring in Mandarin.
- Subject Leader Impact Audit– a very simple audit of your impact as a Mandarin subject leader in terms of improving the quality of teaching and learning and your effectiveness as subject leader.
- Portfolio Annotation Sheet– best practice is to start to collate a portfolio of work showing the progression of learning across the school, against the end points on your Mandarin curriculum map.
- Subject Leader Job Description/Roles and Responsibilities– job description outlining roles and responsibilities of a Mandarin subject leader.
- Deep Dive Questions and Answers– one of the best bits! Very comprehensive answers to all the questions the Mandarin subject leader is likely to encounter during a deep dive.
- Questions Observing lesson With Inspector– all the questions you might be asked when accompanying an inspector on a Mandarin lesson observation.
- Questions to Teachers– all the questions inspectors ask teachers when deep diving Mandarin.
- Questions for Children– possible questions children will be asked when deep diving a Mandarin.
- Breadth Audit– an easy to complete audit of breadth in the Mandarin.
- Subject Vision– an easy to complete template to put together an ambitious vision for Mandarin.
- Content knowledge, Pedagogical Knowledge and Content Pedagogical Knowledge– written in simple language and can be distributed to all teaching staff, to enable everybody to understand the content and content pedagogical knowledge specific to Mandarin.
- CPD Record and Impact– a record sheet for all informal and formal CPD undertaken and the impact it has on teaching and learning in Mandarin.
- Subject Action Planning – a template for high impact and effective subject action planning along with an example completed action plan for Mandarin.
- Mandarin Subject Assessment – a simple template to show progress, standards and attainment in Mandarin.