This course will enable D.T leaders to explore ways to build an outstanding D.T curriculum. The course will also provide an in-depth overview of the knowledge, skills and key concepts that children need to become exceptional design technologists.
The current curriculum focused Ofsted inspections will look at the effectiveness of subject and middle leaders with more depth and vigour than ever before.
The quality and effectiveness of subject and middle leaders will directly impact on a schools overall grade for leadership and management. In particular, inspectors will look at the ability of subject and middle leaders to improve the quality of education in their subject.
This course will help you to:
- Excel during a D.T deep dive
- Discover how to create a progressive, sequential D.T curriculum map covering the key concepts, knowledge and skills you need to cover in D.T
- Raise attainment in D.T across your school
- Talk effectively about your D.T vision, intent, implementation and impact
- Clearly articulate and evidence their curriculum content, sequencing and progression
- Discover a range of proven strategies that can engage children in D.T
- Understand the concept of ‘greater depth’ in D.T.
- Understand Ofsted expectations for outstanding subject and middle leaders and provide outstanding examples of monitoring, self-evaluation, assessment, action planning and evidence required to excel during inspection
- Implement and sustain initiatives that increase progress, standards, achievement and attainment in D.T
- Understand what Ofsted will look for in an outstanding subject and middle leaders in the new framework inspections
- Be ready for questions Ofsted will ask and show you how best to present data and information about your subject
Delegates will receive the following resources:
- Electronic copy of training slides to use in school
- Outstanding examples of middle and subject action plans
- Inspection questions and possible answers
- Middle and subject leader audit documents
- 200+ practical resources to make middle leadership outstanding
- 30 days access to the training