This training course will take a detailed look at the best subject leader practice in primary schools for SLT. Ofsted will take a through and rigorous look at how SLT have supported, prioritised and resources subject leaders to carry out their role effectively.
The training will show SLTs how to support subject leaders so they are fully prepared for Ofsted inspection. The training will guide you through everything your subject leaders will need to excel during subject deep dives and the 7 key tasks subject leaders must complete to succeed during a deep dive.
This course will help SLT to support subject leaders by working through the following sessions:
- How to excel during a deep dive and the role SLT should take to improve quality of subject leadership
- Provide subject leaders with the support to complete the 7 key tasks every subject leader needs to complete before a deep dive.
- Gain a deep understanding of content knowledge and content pedagogical knowledge in each subject and why this is so vital to the subject leader role.
- Discover how to create a progressive, sequential curriculum map covering the key concepts, knowledge and skills you need to cover in each subject – how SLT need to take a hands on approach to improving the curriculum
- Raise attainment across your school in every subject by developing a consistent approach to subject leadership
- Talk effectively about your vision, intent, implementation and impact of your curriculum
- Clearly articulate and evidence curriculum content, sequencing and progression.
- Discover a range of proven strategies that can engage children in each subject.
- Understand the concept of ‘greater depth’ in every subject.
- Understand Ofsted expectations for outstanding subject and middle leaders and provide outstanding examples of monitoring, self-evaluation, assessment, action planning and evidence required to excel during inspection.
- Implement and sustain initiatives that increase progress, standards, achievement and attainment in each subject.
- Understand what Ofsted will look for in an outstanding subject and middle leaders in the new framework inspections.
- Be ready for questions Ofsted will ask SLT about how you support and hold subject leaders to account
You will receive 30 days access to the training.