We have a wide range of training courses which we can present in your school.
The courses provide exciting and stimulating ways to challenge and inspire every member of staff.
We can tailor any of our courses to meet the individual and specific needs and priorities of your school.
Contact us to discuss your training requirements and we will put together a draft proposal and outline for the training session you require.
Outstanding Teaching and Learning
Outstanding teaching and learning is the key to a school gaining an overall outstanding grade. They only way to achieve outstanding teaching is to ensure consistency across the school, in every class and every lesson of everyday. This course will start your journey to achieving outstanding teaching and learning in every classroom.
The course covers the following areas:
- Passion, principles perseverance
- Outstanding Differentiation
- Outstanding Questioning
- Outstanding Assessment for Learning
- Outstanding Independent Learning
- EYFS, KS1 and KS2 teachers
Outstanding Teaching Assistants
Our Outstanding Teaching Assistants course has been designed to support both new and experienced teaching assistants within the classroom setting. Teaching assistants are responsible for supporting children and the teacher on a daily basis and should make a significant contribution to teaching and learning in a school. Ofsted want to see that they are providing effective support for learning in every class.
The course covers the following areas:
- Effectively supporting teaching and learning
- How children learn effectively including learning Styles
- Effective Assessment for Learning
- Behavioural Management
- Teaching Methods including pre-learning
- Pastoral Care
- Teaching assistants all levels
Outstanding EYFS Practice
The Outstanding EYFS course takes an in-depth look at all the elements that contribute to a setting excelling in its early years provision. It will enable you to evaluate your current Early Years provision, develop effective monitoring and develop highly effective practice. The course looks at the range of enabling environments and how to improve indoor and outdoor provision.
The course covers the following areas:
- Outline key Ofsted grade descriptors and statutory framework expectations, identifying how these translate in to everyday practice
- Support EYFS teachers and leaders in evaluating current provision, develop the monitoring element of their setting and manage change successfully.
- Assist staff in enhancing outdoor and indoor learning environments, ensuring all staff and their interactions promote high quality learning/talk opportunities.
- Consider assessment expectations, ensuring manageability, accuracy and rigour.
- EYFS Leaders
- Senior Leadership Team
- EYFS Teachers and TAs
Safeguarding and Child Protection
A ‘three-in-one’ safeguarding course written specifically for staff in the primary education sector, covering child protection together with online safety and the Prevent duty.
- All school staff
- Volunteers
- Governors

Exceptional Quality Training and Resources
Contact us to find out more about our courses and resources