School Improvement Partner Consultancy Package



School Improvement Partner Consultancy Package

Do you need a ‘critical friend’ to support you and your leadership team in making an objective assessment of your school, in order to improve outcomes for your children? Our expert team can help you conduct book scrutinies, climate walks and data reviews, in order to ensure that you feel Ofsted-ready. At the end of the consultancy period, we will leave you with a clear action plan, written in close consultation with you, to ensure that you have a well-defined roadmap for continued success.

This consultancy package includes:

360 degree leadership analysis and feedback

  • A named consultant who will quickly get to know your school community and help you create a balanced picture of progress
  • One annual Health Check, including a climate walk, supported book scrutiny and discussions of developing leadership roles
  • Six bi-termly, half-day meetings to discuss progress against targets, data review and triangulation

SIP from £3995+ VAT